A man’s pride always lies in his ability to please his partner. There are many factors that can affect a man’s ability to perform in bed that could be domestically and emotionally damaging to his relationship. XTEND MEN FOOD SUPPLEMENT CONTAINS MACA AND CLAVO HUASCA.
Science and modern medicine on the other hand has proven that Maca contains glucosinolates that has an antibiotic-like effect and help ward off bacterial, viral, and fungal infection in the intestines and other parts of the body. Maca also contains polyphenols that improves digestion, brain function, and blood sugar levels, as well as protect against blood clots, heart disease, and certain cancers. Flavanoids a powerful type of antioxidant is also found in this plant Maca.
The synergistic effect of these 3 compounds enables Maca to significantly boost male libido, erection and increase sperm count. Peruvian herbal medicine Clavo Huasca is used as a remedy for both frigidity and erectile dysfunction as well for arthritis. This herb has the reputation of increasing potency and passion in both men and women.
The ground up bark and roots of Clavo Huasca are abundant in saponins and a high concentration of phenols and flavonoids.Flavanoids exhibit biological activities, including antiallergenic, antiviral, antiinflammatory and most importantly vasodilating actions which is essential for male erection.
The secret of this herb’s libido enhancing effects may be involved with the neurotransmitters responsible for the smooth muscle relaxation of the “corpus cavernosum”. These two masses of erectile tissue forms the bulk of the penis and the clitoris plus its ability in increasing blood flow to the pelvic area will basically jump start not only male erection but also women’s libido.
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