There are two kinds of vitamin c found in food supplements the first one is the ascorbic acid and Sodium Ascorbate is the less acidic and more potent version of vitamin C. Both increases immunity and are potent anti oxidants that produces collagen for firm skin and cartilage formation releases glutathione . Vitamin C supports epithelial barrier and function against pathogens .It also promotes the oxidant scavenging activity of the skin. Vitamin C inhibits the synthesis of a molecule essential for bacteria survival. Its ability to speed-up recovery from tuberculosis and other respiratory disease by impeding the respiratory bacterial and viral growth.
Vitamin C is known to even kill the bacteria in culture at high concentration . moreover, many infections, including pneumonia, lead to reduced vitamin C levels in plasma, leukocytes and urine. Antioxidants are also called free radical scavenger it slows done aging and protects the body from oxidative stress. Vitamin C as a antioxidant work by giving electrons to free radicals. By doing this ,the extra electron stabilizes them, preventing them from causing further damage to the cells in the body. Collagen is the most abundant protein in your body and is known to improve skin firmness and maintain bone and cartilage strength. Vitamin C interacts with amino acids to form collagen. One unique thing about glutathione is that it is stored by the liver together with vitamin E and both are release every time you take vitamin C.
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